How to test
Given that I am on a screen with
1 Keyboard only
WHEN I use an action that opens a sheet
I SEE focus moves to the sheet
Then when I use the arrow keys
I SEE content in the sheet is browsed in meaningful order starting with the drag handle
Then when I use the tab key
I SEE focus moves to interactive controls in the sheet in meaningful order starting with the drag handle
Or when I use the tab key to move focus to the drag handle
I SEE the sheet toggles between available heights
WHEN I use a screenreader
I use an action that opens a sheet
the sheet describes its purpose or title
it identifies itself as a bottom sheet or side sheet
when closed, focus returns to the launch button
Then when I swipe
I HEAR focus moves within the sheet
Then when I swipe within a standard sheet
I HEAR focus can leave the sheet
Then when I swipe within a modal sheet
I HEAR focus stays trapped in the sheet
Then when I swipe to move focus to the drag handle AND THEN double tap
I HEAR the sheet toggles between available heights
1 Keyboard actions
When I use |
I see/hear |
Launch button |
Focus visibly moves to the sheet
Space or enter |
Sheet toggles between available heights
Tab |
Starting with the drag handle, focus visibly moves to interactive controls in the sheet
2 Mobile screenreader gestures
When I use |
I hear |
Swipe |
Focus moves within the sheet
Doubletap |
Activates most elements
3 Screenreader output
Reads |
I hear |
Name |
The sheet describes its purpose or title
Role |
It identifies itself as a bottom sheet or side sheet
Group |
When closed, focus returns to the launch button
4 Device settings
When I use |
I see |
Text resize |
Text content can resize up to 200% without losing information
Sheets show secondary content (not the app’s main purpose or functionality) anchored to the bottom or side of the screen.
- Use bottom sheets in compact and medium window sizes
- Two types: standard and modal
- Bottom sheets can be dismissed in order to interact with the main content
Material guidance